"There is something beautiful about setting the world ablaze and watching from the center of the flames."

Ignatia in a deep blue dress shirt with suspenders scowling at the viewer.

"There is naught challenging about me. Why, then, must others treat me like a puzzle?"

Ignatia in a deep blue dress shirt with suspenders scowling at the viewer.
  • Age: 30

  • Gender: Woman

  • Relationship Status: Single(ish)

  • Sexuality: Straight(ish)

  • Patron Deity: None

  • Description: Scowling

  • Personality: Bitch

  • Job: "Legal" Advisor


  • Opulence

  • Hunting

  • Getting high

  • caring for others


  • Garleans

  • Tribal inclinations

  • Wanton violence

  • Womanizers who aren't womanizing her

"The past is often best left there for a reason."

All info is OOC knowledge unless discussed otherwise!

Metagaming will not be tolerated. There is no strike system. You have been warned.

- Your character might know her as a former diplomat in the Gyr Abania region. What ever happened to her?

- Your character may have sought out Ignatia for help in legal matters - especially matters involving property ownership, loan payments, citizenship, etc.

- Your character may have seen a young Ignatia sprinting through the undergrowth of the Black Shroud, bow in hand.

- Your character might recognize a Hingan lilt to her voice when she becomes too tired.

- Ignatia's name had been circling around Ul'Dah before her face was known to anyone within the walls of the city. Why?


  • 24 y/o - Central Time Zone - Full-time job haver

  • IC =/= OOC

  • Any types of RP are welcome. I thoroughly enjoy darker stories and mature themes.

  • Do not interact if you're bigoted or otherwise hateful. Thanks!

  • Please be over the age of 20 if you wish to interact with my character.

  • Please remember that I am an adult with responsibilities outside of the game. I am not available 24/7, nor do I wish to be.

  • You can always reach out to schedule RP! Just send me a /tell :)